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Your Ultimate Guide To A Long Weekend Getaway In Bintan: A 3-Days Itinerary

Have a long weekend coming up and need a break from routine life? Or maybe you desire a change of scenery? At least these were the reasons for my quick trip to Bintan. Just a short ferry ride away and you’re on this Indonesian Island in the Riau Archipelago. 

Even for tourists in Singapore, Bintan is an awesome place to get that little vacation you know you are craving! But do check on that visa requirement if you don't hold a Singapore passport. 

Read on to discover my 3-days weekend Bintan Itinerary which took place during the end-of-year period of 15th – 17th Dec

Getting There (from Singapore)
By Ferry from Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal to one of the 3 ferry terminals in Bintan: 
  • Bandar Bentar Telani (BBT)
  • Tanjung Pinang 
  • Bintan Lagoon 
Me and my travel partner, Mr C, took the Bintan Resort Ferries to BBT ferry terminal which is one of the more commonly used routes. With the ferry terminal being to the north of the island, the journey takes only around 60 minutes and cost us S$65 (SGD) per pax. Tickets are even cheaper in off-peak seasons (outside Jun, Nov-Dec).

It takes longer to reach Tanjung Pinang and Bintan Lagoon ferry terminals, about 75 and 120 minutes respectively.

Getting There (from Jakarta)

Flying to Bintan from Jakarta's Soekarno-Hatta International Airport to Bintan's Raja Haji Fisabilillah International airport is also possible. That takes about an hour and a half and cost about IDR 2, 000, 000+ for a round trip.

A map from the Bintan Resorts booklet. 
Blue circles mark out the 3 ferry terminals while the pink circle marks out Residence Bintan, where we stayed.


  • Take motion sickness pills if you are prone to nausea on moving vessels! The sea was rocky while we were making the voyage and a number of passengers ended up puking. 
  • Choose BBT as arrival port rather than Tanjung Pinang as it will be a shorter journey. We did that even though Tanjung Pinang was actually closer to our resort.

Where We Stayed
The Residence Bintan
Some of the beachfront villas that are just a short distance from the beach. Can you spot me??

This is a relatively new resort that started operations in early 2018. More at the South Eastern end of the island rather than the North, it takes about an hour to get there by land from BBT ferry terminal. On the map above, I have indicated it with a pink circle.

Complimentary pickup and drop-off services were provided by the resort from the ferry terminal which was great! It probably would have cost a bomb to take a taxi, which I believe is the only other transport option from the ferry terminal.

We were greeted warmly at the BBT terminal by the staff who helped to transfer our baggage onto the bus. Cold towel, bottled water and a couple of cookies were offered to us on-board the bus. ‘The Incredibles 2’ was playing on the small screen at the front of the bus while we waited for the rest of the scheduled pick up guests. And then, we were off to the resort…

  • Bring some food you might be able to snack on. 
  • Or at least eat well before you even start your journey on the ferry. Being on moving vessels for 2 hours continuously is no joke. 
Good thing we thought to get some kerupuk from one of the stores at the ferry terminal before boarding the bus. Empty stomach and me on moving vessels just don’t suit.

On reaching the resort, we completed the requisite paperwork and had to put in a S$200 deposit (about IDR 2, 000, 000). So remember to bring your credit card or enough cash for the deposit

Also if you need late checkout, now would be the best time to ask for it. They might not be able to confirm with you on the spot but would definitely update you at a later time.

We were taken on a buggy to our vista, which I loved! It looked just like the pictures on their website so I wasn’t disappointed.

Interior of the vista. I just love all the wooden furnishings!

Exterior sitting area of vista. We got the second floor.

Day 1- Explore the Resort

This being my first time at any resort I was quite eager to start my exploration right away. With the resort spread over quite a large expanse of land, we were glad for the bicycles that were provided for guest use and cycled almost everywhere during the 3 days!

You could alternatively ring up for buggy services to get around the resort, which takes somewhere between 10-20 minutes to arrive. Or walk, which as they say is the most reliable mode of transportation anytime, anywhere.

Bicycles for guest use!

First stop, lunch. I was starving! Being at a rather isolated resort, we had to avail ourselves of the only two dining options within the resort- the dining hall or Rica Rica Restaurant. Since it was slightly closer to our vista, we decided on Rica Rica, which served solely Indonesian cuisine.

Lunch was a rather costly affair. Cost us IDR 399, 300 including service charges for 2 mains - mee soto and a stingray dish with rice. Sparkling water and kerupuk were given on the house.

Complimentary Kerupuk and Sparkling Water 

Unfortunately we didn’t think to take pictures of our meal. Oops. Blogging mistake #1. Anyway the stingray dish we ordered was not too bad. The ayam soto was alright. Overall, it was no great dining experience but pleasant enough. 

I had booked for the complimentary afternoon stretching (yoga) class when we first reached our vista. It really pays to know what the resort offer in terms of activities beforehand. Below are some of the activities offered by the resort.

Residence Bintan's Activity List (information correct as of Jan 2019)

Days 1 and 3, which we spent at the resort, were perfect to engage in some of these activities! 

The stretching class was a half hour long and personally, I thought it was a tad bit challenging for beginners. This is based on the 2 classes I attended (afternoon classes on Day 1 and 3). 

But I do encourage trying it out especially because of the great location of the studio. Most of the walls of the studio had glass panels so the lush greenery outside is visible. Truly a relaxing ambience! 

Yoga Room (Photo Credit: The Residence Bintan)

The rest of the day we cycled a bit more, lounged around on the hammock at the beach and walked out to a nearby sand patch at sea. The waters were really shallow and came up to no more than the middle of my thighs. We didn't venture any further than the sand patch. So be cautious that the water might be deeper further out.

Tried making it look like he was treading on water. Wasn't a successful. 

You could engage in a game of table soccer while awaiting dinner time. This is located right by the poolside. Mr C seemed to have quite a knack for it and by that I mean he kept beating me at it which was a real bummer. I hate losing!

For dinner, reservations have to be made for both the dining hall and Rica Rica restaurant. We decided to eat at the dining hall this time, which served a more varied culinary option compared to Rica Rica. Western, Indian, Chinese etc., were all available. 

Not feeling very hungry, I chose beef lasagna but the portion was really huge! I ended up not being able to finish it and foisted it on Mr C, who had ordered beef burger and had no problems stuffing it all in.

The beef burger was really quite delicious!

Around 8.45p.m., there was ‘movie under the star’, where bean bags were arranged in an outdoor setting and Goosebumps 2 was screened. We each threw ourselves onto the bean bags and settled down for a cozy evening. 

Unfortunately there were mosquitos! The staff had kept a little fire going a short distant away to help ward the mosquitos off but it would be really helpful to spray on some insecticides beforehand.

After the movie, we actually felt quite sleepy and decided to retire for the night. Tomorrow was going to be an exciting day!

Day 2- Explore Bintan Island

Day 2 saw us exploring the Island outside of the resort. We were initially hoping to rent a bike and explore on our own but apparently it’s not legal to do so, at least that's what the hotel management told us. 

In the end we Googled and came across Shandy, whom we contacted through WhatsApp the day before. It was all very fast and efficient to arrange for a driver to show us around for 8 hours today. He quoted us IDR 800, 000 which seemed very reasonable to us and we had booked ourselves a driver!

Alternatively, if you would still like to get out of the resort for a while but not the whole day, the resort provides a complimentary shuttle service to Tanjung Pinang every day from 9.30 a.m. However the last pick-up time from Tanjung Pinang back to the resort is at 12 noon. That gives you about an hour or so to roam around Tanjung Pinang.

Breaking fast at The Residence Bintan

Breakfast was included in our hotel package and the buffet had a huge variety of fares. Cereals and all sorts of croissants, muffins and pastries were laid out on the buffet tables. Unique desserts-of-the-day gave a tiny peek into the vast variety of Indonesian desserts. Waffles and pancakes were also served with chocolate, honey, maple sauce and other toppings. 

For those requiring a more filling start to the day, there are various cooked dishes available that you can eat with rice or noodles. Live stations serving up freshly made omelettes and fish ball noodles were operating. For beverages, several types of fruit juice were available as well as coffee or tea served to the table by staff. 

Breakfast ends early at 10.30 a.m. and we honestly had a hard time getting up for it! Early risers, FYI, breakfast starts at 6 a.m.

The Day Begins...

Our driver, Ricky was already waiting for us when we arrived at the lobby of the resort at 11 a.m. We had requested this timing (we are by no means morning people). You could definitely start your tour earlier. 

He seemed like a friendly enough person who assured us that he would make sure we experienced everything we wanted to (we had made a list) within the time we had together. With no time to waste, we set off for our first stop…

Vihara Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva commonly known as 500 Lohan Temple

Entrance Fee: IDR 30, 000 per pax

I had heard so much about this Buddhist temple that house 500 human-sized sculptures of arahats (also arhat, lohan, luohan) and it was the one attraction I really wanted to visit in Bintan, not so much for religious reasons than that it looked impressive. I wasn’t disappointed. Right at the entrance itself was a massive sculpture of a stone Buddha.

Massive sculpture right at the entrance
[Unfortunately I didn't take this impressive shot on its own, without me in it. That would have looked much better. Blogging mistake #2!! Haven’t really fully numbered all the mistakes one could make but maybe some day that would make a good post.]

What lay behind that entrance way was even more impressive, the 500 statues of the Arahats, each with their own unique pose and facial expression. It was truly a feast for any photographer! Even amateurs like me. 

At the base of each statue lies a plaque that I believe states the name and background of each statue.

A little further in, there is a stairs that leads up to a golden Buddha statue. 

The Golden Buddha. And nope those are not the stairs I was referring too. The ones you have to take are slightly longer.

For a more detailed read about this attraction if you're interested in the temple's significance and all, I found this post 500 Luohan Temple @ Bintan Island [Indonesia] very helpful.

Do take note of its opening hours as it doesn’t stay open till late. I believe it’s 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Pulau Penyengat

Penyengat means ‘hornet/wasp’ so the literal translation of Pulau Penyengat is Hornet Island. Ricky told us that the origin of the name came about from a time long ago when sailors who stopped by the island, were stung by stinging insects. The stings from these insects have been crucial in keeping the island safe from invaders. Armed with such a fascinating tale, we started our exploration of Penyengat Island. 

Hoping onto a ferry arranged by Ricky, we set sail for the Island. The ferry ride cost us IDR 400, 000 both ways for a private ride (just us two as passengers). This is actually a little pricey since I had read that you could get a two way ride for IDR 100, 000 per pax. But I am guessing those rides won't be private. 

We didn’t have to wait long and could set off whenever we wanted both ways. Time, after all, was our limitation. The ride took just a short 10 minutes each way and life jackets were provided.

Us on the private pompong boat

The Sultan of Riau Grand Mosque, one of the more prominent features of the island which could be seen from Tanjung Pinang, was just a few steps away from the dock. Of course one of the fascinating things you will normally hear about the mosque is that it was not built using cement but egg white. 

Make sure you have on some decent clothes if you wish to enter the mosque, covered legs and decent tops. Even so, if you are a non-muslim, you will only be allowed to walk around the outer court. Overall, nothing much to do except snap a good shot of the mosque. 

As we left the mosque, we were offered a ride on the becah (motorized three-wheeler). It was rather reasonably price at IDR 30, 000 for an hour of tour around the island. Given our lack of time, we requested for the tour to be shortened to a half hour.

Our becah


  • If it’s just one or two of you, you could try to walk in a little further and see if you can get a smaller becah (like in picture above) that cost lesser. Might be a bit of a tight fit though. 
  • Those becah we encountered near the boat docking area, trying to get customers fresh off the boat, quoted us about IDR 35, 000 - IDR 40, 000.

Some of the sites you will visit on this tour include include a number of cemeteries and tomb complexes like the Engku Putri Raja Hamidah cemetery, where the great Raja Ali Haji was also laid to rest among others. Raja Ali Haji was an esteemed historian, poet and scholar who was given the status of National Hero of Indonesia.

A short distance away lies the tomb of Raja Haji Fisabillilah, another National Hero of Indonesia. He was a warrior who fought against Dutch colonial forces. Incidentally the Bintan's international airport is named after him.

The tour also brings you to the custom hall building that is a typical Malay stilt house made of wood. Special events and banquets are sometimes hosted here.

Custom Hall of Pulau Penyengat. Again, I wish I had taken the picture without me in it!

You could take a short climb to Bukit Kursi Fort that served as a defence base of old for the island against invaders. Old, rusty cannons can still be found at the fort overlooking the vast sea. Unfortunately, we didn't manage to cover this site.

With our heads filled with the rich history of the Island and the clock ticking, we hurried on to our next site...

Senggarang Island

This is said to be the place where the first Chinese inhabitants of the island settled. Known also as the ‘Chinese village’, it is essentially a fishing village with lots of houses on stilts.

Houses on Stilts

Accessible by a short boat ride from Tanjung Pinang or a longer drive by land, it is especially famous for its two temples - The Lau Ya Keng temple complex and Banyan Tree Temple.

I had wanted to visit this place for its famous Banyan tree shrine which is almost 200 years old. It was originally a two-storey building that became desolated and over time, a banyan tree grew around it, supporting the structure.

Banyan Tree Temple

Yes it does look a little nondescript when seen like this. Maybe the side view might look better.

And nope, that guy in the picture isn't posing for me.

You could enter the temple and perform some prayers if you are so inclined. It was sort of an anti-climatic visit for me. Wasn't much to do there if like me you don't intend to pray.

We didn’t go to the other temple and to be honest, the village seemed like a bit of a ghost town. There were only a handful of people around and nothing much to see. If time permits, you could visit the other temple and explore some of the stalls around.

It was as if Ricky could feel my disappointment, he promised I will be much happier at the next attraction...

Gurun Pasir Busung and Telaga Biru (Blue Lake)

Entrance Fee: IDR 10, 000 per pax (for 'entry' and photo-taking)

On the way here, the sky unfortunately decided to open up and pour with a vengeance. It was quite lucky that by the time we reached the location, the rain had stopped. The sky still looked real bad though. Small huts selling food, drinks and snacks dotted the starting point, where Ricky had parked the car.

With an umbrella that Ricky offered us, we started exploring the sand dunes that made for really beautiful pictures. Once a sand mining site, it was abandoned and became the picturesque sand dunes that you see in the picture below. Make sure you don’t pay more for taking pictures with the various camel boards strewn amidst the dunes. That is already included in the fee.

On his Sahara desert trek with the camel buddy. 

Did we feel like we were in a desert? Nope not really. The sand quality is totally different plus the dunes don’t actually extend very far. It was quite challenging to capture a picture without people or the surrounding greenery in it. But I succeeded! Overall I enjoyed myself here and had fun taking all the pictures.

A short walk away, the blue lake made for pretty pictures too. The blue of the lake is caused by the mineral kaolin and this makes the lake quite unsuitable to drink or swim in. So don't do either in it!

Unfortunately for us by then the weather had turned for the worse yet again so we couldn't stay longer.

Picture captured in the torrential downpour but still looked rather pretty. See how blue the lake is even in the rain. 

We hurried back to the huts where Ricky was waiting. While waiting for the worse of the rain to pass, we had ourselves some sugar cane drink and kerupuk under the shelter of the huts. Other food like Indo mee, otak otak, goreng pisang etc., were available if you need something more substantial to sustain you. 

Once the rain had subsided, we were in the car and off…

Whole Body Massage

This came as a surprise to us because we had not thought to go for one. Ricky asked if we might be interested in it and we were game! Cost us IDR 500,000 for an hour of full body massage for two which was much cheaper than what was offered at the resort.
Address and contact details as shown. You could Google search the name of the spa too.

Dinner at a Kelong restaurant- Kelong Ciuyong Seafood

Finally came time for us to eat!! We were really looking forward to eating some fresh seafood. Decided to order a small black grouper that cost IDR 49, 000 per 100 g which they caught right in front of us!

The staff looking for our grouper

Took them a while to find the fish because we wanted the smallest there was. We had it cooked in black soy sauce. Sambal gonggong, sambal kang kong and coconut drink completed our order.

Our delicious dinner!

The kang kong was honestly too spicy for us that we couldn’t finish it. Somehow it’s really quite different from the Singapore-style kang kong, which is much less spicy. But otherwise we enjoyed everything else thoroughly! And it cost us only IDR 524, 000 which was truly a bargain.

Ricky was waiting for us once we were done with the meal. I have to say he had been a really patient tour guide throughout the day. 

It was close to 9 p.m. when we returned to the resort. We paid him in cash. He was kind enough to not charge us for the additional hours we took (10 hours instead of the 8 we booked for). But we decided to pay for it. We had a great day and it was in large part due to him.

Checking on the status of our late check-out request, it was a pleasant surprise to know that we could check-out at 5 p.m. instead of the usual 12 p.m.

Our ferry back to Singapore was due to depart only at 8.15 p.m. so the late check-out was great for us! The complimentary drop-off service was scheduled for 5.45 p.m. which should give us plenty of time to reach the Bandar Bentar Telani ferry terminal.

We cycled back to our vista and that is probably one of the things I will miss most about the resort, cycling everywhere anytime… Off to bed early because it had been one heck of a day!

Day 3- Relaxing in Resort (Take photos, Swim, Cycle, Yoga, Activities…)

Last days are usually the worst for me. I hate ending my vacations but this time I tried my damnedest to push those thoughts out of my head and enjoy whatever time I still had left of my holiday. 

So same thing on to breakfast… Which was similar to the day before except for some pastries and desserts of the day. As usual when it comes to buffet, I ate like a pig! Can’t help it - I just get all excited about all the readily available food. 

And then on to taking some stellar pictures around the resort. 

It was quite comical how we took the above picture. Had to wave and request the staff to help. And I have to say this - I was so impressed by all the staff. Throughout our stay, they have been really helpful and friendly .

We got so carried away with the photo taking that it was soon close to 3 p.m., and time for yoga. We had wanted to take a dip in the pool but it didn’t look like there was time for it. 

If yoga isn't in your cards then go right ahead and take that dip. You could also engage in one of the activities the resort provides as mentioned earlier. 

By the end of our class we were quite spent and cycled to our vista for a quick rest and shower before packing up to check-out.

Once we were packed, we called for a buggy service that came within 10 minutes to drop us off at the lobby. We checked-out, paid our outstanding bills (mainly for meals) and awaited our drop-off bus. 

Things just moved very smoothly and quickly from then. About an hour of ride later, we were at the BBT ferry terminal, with about an hour to spare until the ferry departure time.

Not having eaten since breakfast (seriously, we were that full from the buffet!), we needed to catch a quick meal before boarding. There were few shops at the terminal and only one sold cooked food. Mr Chan had been wanting to try some Indonesian maggi noodles and that's what we ordered - the Indo mee (dry)

Remember to get an actual ticket from the counter at the ferry terminal before you queue up to enter the departure area! You will just have to show them your purchased ticket on your phone or a printed copy of it. 

It was quite crowded and there was a long queue to board the ferry but more than enough seats on board the ferry. The sailing was smooth and we were back in Singapore within the hour, concluding our weekend trip.

We had a lovely time during our short Bintan vacation and it was a great way to de-stress and energize myself. If you're in need of an stress-reliever too, go ahead and start planning for that weekend trip. Bintan may offer you the getaway you have been looking for!

*If you are looking for another short trip to South East Asia, try Cambodia. Here is my post on Spending 4 Days in Cambodia.

**And now, I would love to hear from you! Is there any other information you might need to plan your Bintan vacation? Let me know by leaving a quick comment below.


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